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for RTV

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Saved by shannon.carter@...
on September 18, 2011 at 5:50:30 pm

Project Overview 

Study of local race relations within broader historical context of civil rights movement.  


Goals: Generate short documentary film we can incorporate into our prototype Remixing Rural Texas: Local Texts, Global Contexts, under development now and funded, in part, through the National Endowment for the Humanities Digital Humanities grant.  

























  1. Request students make extensive use of existing archives, where possible. First. The grant identifies these projects as remix
  2. Request that any new primary source materials discovered in the course of research or created (oral history interviews and other relevant footage, as appropriate) 
  3. Request that CLiC be involved with oral histories
  4. Request that oral histories recorded be donated to the Gee Library's Special Collections and the Northeast Texas Digital Collections
  5. Request the 


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